• 444

    444 and synchronicity
    As 444 is linked to direct angelic support, it is an invitation to note the coincidences in this period. Pay attention to coincidences with an eye that is nevertheless far from obsessions, when we talk about 444 we also indicate PRAGMATICITY, which on another level can remind us to remain in our center and with our feet firmly on the ground. Intuition and inner wisdom are the keys to reading synchronicities or "coincidences" by taking us with our eyes above events so that we can recognize their connections, exactly as a good planner who is able to see the drawing is able to do. bigger.


    444 is an angelic message?

    As we said, 444 is linked more than other sequences, to the energies of the angelic type, from here comes the encouragement to ASK FOR HELP AND SUPPORT, whether it is from the Angels or the people around us.

    It is also the encouragement to ACT, to get to see your dreams come true the Angels signal that it is undoubtedly important to get busy: seeing the number 444 can be a clear signal that your ideas are taking shape in life. When ideas enter our focus and we do not let go of them inevitably passed from the conceptual phase to physical form. Yet nothing can happen if you don't take that first step: send that resume, make that phone call, start a blog,… In this sense the Angels encourage precisely through sequence 444.

  • Numerology Meaning of 444

  • The Travelers